Interactive Fiction / Other
Sat alongside my essay, residencies and critical writing, I also write (and have been commissioned) more formally experimental texts for online, digital and IRL spaces.
I've created interactive works in Twine inc. Preppers: The Game, Remixing Criticism and Inside Choreocracy (which chronicled how the production Choreocracy was made).
From 2007-2009 I was invited by Goat Island to contribute to their constraint based collaborative writing project The Last Performance dot org created with Judd Morrissey.
In 2009 Cupola Bobber invited me to contribute to their Reading Companion for their performance Way Out West, The Sea Whispered Me, which toured internationally in 2009-10. The Reading Companion is an exquisite 24" x 36" double-sided colour poster in which the texts are laid out to take on the shapes of the landscape - Sea, Mountain, Cloud, etc. Other contributors were Alice Booth, Simon Bowes, Lucy Cash, Karen Christopher, Ezra Clayton Daniels, Zach Dodson, Jeff Harms, CJ Mitchell, Bryan Saner and David Williams.
PREPPERS: THE GAME is a work by Casson & Friends made exclusively for the Amazon Alexa smart speaker that asks are we prepared?​ In the game you start underground, you’re alone and you use your voice to make choices; the choices you make will have an impact on what happens.
PREPPERS: THE GAME is free to play and offers two distinct routes; one route focuses more on prepping that happens in a bunker and the other on survivalism and being outdoors. ​Described as a digital escape room, as the writer I structured each route into three acts, exploring how the body and mind react in these different environments. With over 60 minutes of content and interactive tasks you can pause at the end of each act or play all the way through in one sitting. It offers the chance to interact, learn about and understand some of the skills and techniques you might need in order for your body and mind to survive.